Five young men get lost in the forest during an excursion and find a house surrounded by scrapped cars. One of the girls remembers the legend of a boy who also got lost in the forest, settled in an abandoned house and started killing all the drivers who got lost there, as well as scrapping their cars. Although it is only a legend, fear takes hold of the protagonists when they try to start their own car and the vehicle does not work.


The House of the Car Cemetery is a horror novel that talks about the struggle to survive, love doubts and mental illness.


  • The house in the novel is inspired by a royal house located in the town of Montmany (Vallès Oriental), a farmhouse in the middle of the forest surrounded by several scrapped cars, a tractor and a caravan.
  • The starting point of the novel starts from a real event: a friend and I got lost in the car while we were looking for the Montmany castle and we ended up finding a farmhouse and a hermitage at the end of a narrow road.
  • Despite the dilapidated state of the Montmany farmhouse, it is inhabited by a man who, according to close neighbors, is reserved and lonely.

Hay 4 Comentarios

  1. #23296 Cristina 19/12/2024 Reply

    Hola, cómo puedo tener un libro firmado/dedicado por ti? M gracias.

    • #23299 Arturo Padilla 19/12/2024 Reply

      Hola Cristina!
      Escriu-me un correu i en parlem.
      Gràcies per la teva il·lusió!

  2. #21876 Natàlia 29/10/2024 Reply

    Hola Arturo, me he leído El Chatarrero y me ha gustado mucho, creo que hay un error. En la página 91 en la línea 30, Iván apuñala una almohada con unas tijeras.
    En la página 93 en la primera línea, Patri dice que cuando enciende la luz se encuentra a Iván apuñalando una almohada con unas tijeras. En la página 97 en la línea 17, Patri le dice a Iván que el niño no era real, que él estaba clavándole un cúter a una almohada. Me gustaría saber si es un error o hay una explicación.

    • #21896 Arturo Padilla 30/10/2024 Reply

      Hola Natàlia,
      Gracias por tu apunte. Ha sido un error del que no nos hemos dado cuenta ni los editores, ni los correctores ni yo. ¡Tomo nota!
      ¡Muchas gracias!

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